“What if-“

What if you walk on an empty street in the middle of the night and fall?

What if you are out of milk in the refrigerator and  are too tired to get some?

What if you see a bad dream and wake up at midnight with no one by your side?

What if all you want to do is cry and cry and cry but there is no one to wipe your tears away?

What if you are just tired of listening to everyone else and just want to speak but there is no one who would listen?

What if something really good has happened to you but you can’t think of anyone you would like to share your happYness with? Not because you don’t want to, but for fear of them not being genuinely happy about it…?

What if you have two tickets for a show but there’s no one you could think of going with? . . .

There are so many if‘s and buts in our lives and they can’t all be overcome, BUT these few can be…

Sometimes all you need is a “someone” who stands by your side and walks with you without really knowing the destination…

Someone who doesn’t get tired of giving you a hand, no matter how many times you fall…Someone who even accompanies you in your falls!

Someone who doesn’t mind getting the milk packets from the grocery store when you are too tired to go yourself (and gets you a chocolate bar with it as an extra!)

Someone who wraps you up in his arms when you wake up after a bad dream and sings you a lullaby till you go back to sleep…

Someone who lets you cry your heart out and then gives you such a big bear hug that you can hardly breath!

Someone who can sit for hours and listen to your talks just because he loves the sound of your voice…

Someone, whom you can look up to when you really wanna share your good news with, knowing that if one person really cares, it’s him.

Someone who buys tickets for your favourite actor’s movie and surprises you!

Some who will be there for you no matter what…the rocky path of life becomes interesting and enjoyable with him..Life becomes complete with him…You  become complete with him

And that one curve on that someone’s face, sets a lot things straight for you…


The one’s who have met their “someone”, I couldn’t be happier…Never lose them, regardless of anything!

The one’s who are yet to find theirs…Keep your hopes high!  (:




October 31, 2010

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